Hi all...been busy lately..adus if buli ku duplicate badan ku ni..uda lama ku duplicate..satu buat tuk buat cupcake..satu tuk hantar anak gi skul..satu tuk antar cupcake order...aku la chef ..aku la driver...aku la segalanya..Tapi aku besyukur ...thank God to Allah for giving me the rezeki... Skang lagik tengah venture business baru...i hope its gonna be a blast...as for my cupcake things a catching up..heheh...thank to my lovely PA...for her hard work and of course me ah... For rania and rihana sian for this few days kena kasi tinggal ja di uma..so to avoid feeling guilty beli la barang for them..not expensive barang la just a simple things to make them happy...and for me not feeling guilty..hehehe...(trick bah tu) Ok all...anything terpelanting will update again..ariosss..amigos..