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Showing posts from August 16, 2010

Sxx and The city 2

Been waiting for this movie for long.Tunggu punya tunggu cam teda gak tau di cinema so i guess memang kena censored banyak la ni.Bila jumpa di kedai dvd time tu lum clear lagik kena wait dlm 1-2 months for the movie dlm dvd to clear.mind me terpaksa la beli pirate ni bukan niat mau support tapi mmg susah la mau cari yg ori ada pun mesti rega kau kau kan..matai la if satu dvd ja rm49.90 SnC ni kali i can say its better than the first one but of coz the clothing and custome is superb..begagar tinguk durang pun dressing ,accesorries..shooesssss...OMG mau pingsan..and Carrie Bradshaw punya walkin closet astaga totally like in my dream hmmm bila la aku buli dpt gitu ya..insyallah kan one day mana la tau kana toto..astaga camna mau kana if beli toto pun tidak..aiyak..kekeke..ok neway as usual Carrie Bradshaw or aka preston always my kind of girl..the she dress oh my...Charlotte also i like her more chanel n classic kindda look..but for SNC i guess majority clothing that i like suprising...