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Showing posts from October 12, 2009

Before and After

Since mau organise Beauty workshop......jadi me pun buat la teknik Makeup Asas ,teda sapa mau di sental PA la jadi mangsa heheh... BEFORE AFTER

Makeup Course In Kota Kinabalu

Hi all, We gonna held a Makeup Course by the end of October which is early November 2009. Sits are limited for 20 people only. Makeup course will be 1 day.Date and place will be inform when 20 people had been confirm to attend.The course will be Rm 250.00(the cheapest you can find) The course include: 1) Basic Makeup to Bridal 2) Personal Grooming 3) How to wear tudung (for muslim and how to style your hair ) 4) Free Door gift 5) Basic Makeup Kit(Di sediakan dan di bawa balik oleh peserta) 6) Participation Certificate 7) Lunch and Teatime Time :10 am to 5pm (Weekends) Date : Will be inform Place : Will be inform. Closing Date will be on the 1st Nov 2009. Please email me for registration or sms me at 0168340177 . Upon registration bank in a deposit Rm 150.00 and other half at the course day.Thank you.Further infor please give me a call ya.... Dont miss it...we gonna have fun girls!!!


Last week..out of now where while me hunting at the bakery store to find some ingredients tiba2 ada org call...unfamiliar number dalam hati 'ish sapa lagik ni kacau tul ..aku baru mau shopping ni...'(dont blame me..i cant be disturb while am making and important decision bah hehe)..neway...i picked up the phone..and the gentlemen in the end of the phone mention my name yang panjang berjela tu without even stop for a breath ..salute him...ok the story...i got an interview with OSK Investmenet Bank...! Dalam kepala otak bepikir...bila masa aku apply ni ah..? rupanya uda berkurun lama di JObstreet tu baru ku dipanggil..ahaks...ndak pa ku besyukur gak padahal dalam hati tu ndak gak berapa mau keja..hahahah...(terlampau manja uda di uma with my own time )tapi i think i should try it ja la..nothing to lose bah... Now the problem is what to wear???? Adui.sakit kepala trus ni tau....baju opis muat ka lagik..its been a year already ndak pakai working attire...semalam abis selon...