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Showing posts from August, 2010

My New Lover...hmmmm...muaxxss

Dear Blog, Im so happy and overwhelmed when my new lover came rite at my door.He is strong and big.Make my life easier and less stress (bukan teda stress masi ada tapi kurang hehe).My job at home seems to be more easier and all things a been better since his arrival.I called him My Jacob...aah ngam kan..Ni la my new lover... Na ada sapa mau lawan ka? Dia ni semua buli buat .Kasi bersih,kasi spin ada air dry,control spin mmg susah mau carik gini perfect kan... Im loving it!!

Shopping Raya!!

Hmmm sapa uda shopping sini....bah aku dengan happy nya uda supping bukan apa aku suka supping awal coz ndak sasak..if lambat nanti sasak pastu yg cantik uda abis pastu size plak teda ndak ka sandi tu...uda beli baju tuk putri ku dan jugak untuk aku sekali...the only thing yg aku lum beli is my tudung yg ngam ngan baju.And jugak contact lens...mau jadik barbie doll bah kunuk raya ni.Neway kan aritu aku ada cakap aku mau beli camera bah uda ku beli..yeay..bargain plak..murah ja pastu banyak lagik free nya..dapat 2 beg ..satu memory card and rm20 angpow .Best ndak ??? best kan ..RM599 for gila..n i bought it at Karamunsing F ni dia my new gadget ..kaler pun pink.My fav color bah ..ngeh ngeh..Sony Cyber Shot..ada smile censor.

Hari Raya Give aways!!!!

Hi all well since this month is a festive season I got a feeling to give away some free gift ...all you Ladies have to do is this... THIS GIVEAWAY IS FREE TO PARTICIPATE..NO NEED TO BUY ANYTHING OPEN TO ALL!! BUT NOT MARY KAY BEAUTY CONSULTANTS AH..HEHEHE 1. First of all, u need to be my follower in my blog & facebook (ni wajib yer..if kat fb msg me saying that you are up for the give away) 2. Post your opinion on my blog and post it on your Fb wall saying that you are up for give away at my blog (put on link /share link at your wall) 3. You must write about this blog's giveaway at your own blog and include the pictures of my blog 4. Don't forget to write your name, email address and URL link of your blog post & your home address 5. Here comes the fun Part ;) make over your face do your own makeup and put your picture before and after send it to my email as simple as that rite!!! I WILL SELECT 2 LUCKY WINNERS AND A GIFT W...

Lust for a Camera

All this while aku ni menumpang kamera org ja...if ada kena upload ada la gambar if teda kena upload na waina ruun in gambal ..sian kan..huhu...tengah pikir2 mau beli small n compact but of coz the photo must be superb...jadik camera apa la tu ya..?hmmmm..ada yg bagus tapi tu la besar la plak..hitam lagik so not attractive but the outcome superb mau pink ka..purple di bawah ni cute2 kan..astaga mau beli camera pasal cute ja..camna oh... so far dlm hati mau beli yg purple tu...Canon PowerShot SX210 dia pun ok gak ni..hmmmm...what u say??

Sxx and The city 2

Been waiting for this movie for long.Tunggu punya tunggu cam teda gak tau di cinema so i guess memang kena censored banyak la ni.Bila jumpa di kedai dvd time tu lum clear lagik kena wait dlm 1-2 months for the movie dlm dvd to clear.mind me terpaksa la beli pirate ni bukan niat mau support tapi mmg susah la mau cari yg ori ada pun mesti rega kau kau kan..matai la if satu dvd ja rm49.90 SnC ni kali i can say its better than the first one but of coz the clothing and custome is superb..begagar tinguk durang pun dressing ,accesorries..shooesssss...OMG mau pingsan..and Carrie Bradshaw punya walkin closet astaga totally like in my dream hmmm bila la aku buli dpt gitu ya..insyallah kan one day mana la tau kana toto..astaga camna mau kana if beli toto pun tidak..aiyak..kekeke..ok neway as usual Carrie Bradshaw or aka preston always my kind of girl..the she dress oh my...Charlotte also i like her more chanel n classic kindda look..but for SNC i guess majority clothing that i like suprising...

Going Green???

A while ago if ada org cakap sama sa pasal go green i just smile and after that forget about it.But now im glad that i opened up my mind about going green.Sorry to say most of Malaysian does not aware how important is going green.Im amused by my MIL coz even though shes busy but she did the one thing that yang buat sa terkedu.Food left over she have the time to dig on the tanah n tanam tu discompose the left over..even small little things like this can change the earth environment in the future do you agree with me.My first step to go green is i bought bag yang buli di pakai time shopping for grocery so i bought dalam 2 n i have another extra 2 from Tupperware and Nando's should be enough to carry all those grocery kan. And one more thing im deligthed that our government make a small effort to each of the store such supermarket even multibake that every monday is a recycle day n no plastic bag allowed hey thats a good step .So slowly we change our life style to healthy and sa...

Suda beli baju raya??

Jangankan beli bayang2 baju raya pun lum lagik ada ni.huhu..theme kaler pun masi kabur2.begaya kan uda mau dekat ni baru la ni kunuk kelam kabut shopping.Tapi skang ni banyak baju juga uda baju kan yg uda siap murah pun murah cuma tu ja la ready ja ada pelanduk dua serupa.ngeh ngeh...p open house org tiba2 baju sama ngan tuan uma ndak ko parah gitu.adidi..minta jauh coz aku ni pun jenis tak suka antar jahit mmg jenis beli ja.Tapi tengah pikir2 mayb tahun ni insyallah aku pakai jubah la senang.Skang kan jubah cantik2 jugak so teda masalah pakai ni....

Ramadhan Datang lagik..

Alhamdulillah dipanjangkan umur untuk Ramadhan ..As usual i always post recipe for buka puasa since we all need idea what to cook or what to this is the first day of Ramadhan enjoy.... Ok for info this is not my own recipe yer..i just follow what are other blogs ..coz im not an expert in cooking...i might try or not ...hehe depends on the ingredients and mood of the day...hehe Bahan-Bahan: 1 ekor ayam - bersihkan dan potong kecil-kecil 6 cawan air 1 sudu teh garam 3 akar ketumbar - ditumbuk 2 batang serai - dititik dan dipotong 10 tangkai cili akar - belah 2, buang biji jika tidak mahu pedas 6 helai daun limau purut - dicarik-carik 2 camca besar pes cili 3 camca besar sos ikan 3 camca besar jus limau nipis 1 tangkai daun ketumbar - dicincang kasar 3 helai daun pudina - dihiris serong Cara Penyediaan : Masukkan ayam, air dan garam ke dalam periuk. Panaskan hingga mendidih. Biarkan mereneh sehingga ayam empuk. Masukkan semua bahan yang lain kecuali daun ketumbar dan daun p...

My First Digital scrapbooking

Digital Scrapbooking Photo Tinks by Scrapbooking Photo Tinks by Scrapbooking Ideas Photo Tinks by Photo Tinks by Scrapbooking Photo Tinks by

Ramadhan Just Around the corner

Yeayy...aik lum apa2 lagik kan uda siuk mau rasa raya...especially for me coz we sempat raya at my new home.Hope our ramadhan gonna be more pure.Insyallah.hmmm apa lagik mau tulis .blur plak lately.busy since teda maid ni..tuhan ja tau camna kelam kelibut nya hidup ini but i managed jugak even though there is up n down.bah until later wait till i have idea to write...tata..Salam Mubarak.!!