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Showing posts from March, 2010

Friends Are Forever

Semua orang dalam dunia mesti ada kawan kan..ndak kira la lelaki or perempuan..kecik ,muda and tua.If teda kawan cam teda guna la hidup tu,sorang2 dalam dunia ni.As for me i have lots of fren..ada kawan suka ,ada kawan duka ,ada kawan time glamer ja ada,ada kawan yg pendengki(tu kawan ka tu..oops i dont think so )... Neway here are some pictures me and my close friend..we are all from different background but still a mom and women who loves beauty...some of them ive been friend since i was kindergarden..cant you imagine that..tu la baru kawan namanya...hehe..we have to accept the way there are.Kena terima perangai masing2 .Ada yg blur ,ada yg outspoken ada yang funny n daring..semua lengkap ..but i like cos we all not prententious like some ppl..thats are frens...we cant talk to ppl if we dont feel comfortable..frens are the one who can even curse and talk to ..u can cry n laugh together....this are my closest frens so far...for left suriayati,me,kak sara,bey and zai..cute2 kan..hehe.....

Flea Market On the 3rd April at Jesselton Point

Mari...mari kita ramai kasi meriah tu jesselton point on the 3rd march.I will be selling kids cloth and some for the rest of the vendors jual macam2 ..with good jan lupa singgah my gerai n take snapshoot with me..ceh cam ja org glamour...kekekek....bah enjoy the cupcakes pic that i made for march order ahh..hehe

I love my lovely followers and readers

You guys always support me no matter what...and give me strength when i need it more.Even though i always missing in action dlam ni blog kamu datang jugak tinguk saya ni ...huhu i feel love everytime i log in to my blog...Thanks guys for all your support and endless you ...muaxxx...xoxo

Muka cantik hati busuk....

Adakah gitu dalam dunia ni...or penah kah kamu terserempak,tersadong,tergaduh,tertampar ngan org camni.Mesti ada antara kamu pernah kan.Naaaa aku suda jumpa org camna ni..muka bukan main cantik cute comel loteh,pakai tudung bagai bila perangai ampun mak cam hantu.No.1 busy body.Aku pun ndak tau napa dia gitu..dia penah jadik follower aku d blog ni .Skang bab uda hasad dengki dia, she stop to be my follower well who cares kan.Bah bila aku cakap gini jan plak perasan diri tu yg dicakap teda nama KO sini ah...melatah sendiri yg malu.Teda org suru mengaku kekekek..tapi if mau gak menyampuk melatah bah silakan means that ko masi follow aku senyap2 hahahaa... Komen bagai rak alim ulama diri sendiri ndak tinguk di cermin.Melalak menyanyi d youtube tayang muka tu hukum apa di pakai tu.?? tu la sebelum terkena batang hidung sendiri pastikan tinguk muka di cermin tu .Atas bawah and tanya ngam ka aku komen gini ...?Well what happened already jadik so make this us your pengalaman.Moral of the stor...

RJ Couture Fashion Preview

Hmmm im still blur..donno what to write...let the picture tell the story la ya...enjoy!! Jap mau tambah lagik picture ada org complaint sikit kekekek...;p


Kadang hidup ni bila dah terlampau busy rasa cam tak best ja ..hmmm tapi bila teda keja plak rasa bosan gilaaaa....arini aku teda p activity ..its a slow week the only thing that made me a little bit estatic is 12th March Fashion show is on ..held by RJ ada la gak event.... Kadang aku rasa if aku mendiamkan diri buat hal sendiri la maksud aku lagik much gossip aku dengar pasal org itu ini kasi rosak aku punya emotional n brain ja...gossip sana sini teda paidah...tapi camna mau avoid tu .Mmg ada gak cnn tanpa gaji akan kestau tu..huhuhu.. Im thinking of buying a new bag for me...ok ka tu...?since i came back from kl that day which i bought Gucci bag d i was thinking wanna buy not so expensive bag la...ive been eyeing on one bag at charles and keith cam cantik la..tapi sampai skang pikir2 lagik..worth it ka aku beli ..hmmmmmmm dlm dilemma...huhuhu To tell you guys frankly aku merapu bah ni kan..jap cakap lain ..jap lagik lain.Bab aku blur...tu ...

Hijab...Not Fashionable???? u can see the topic...I am not agree at all....You can still wear hijab with fashion...only people who dont have the creativity and the eye to fashion doesnt know how to put things together to make you elegant and still wearing hijab .Wearing hijab is not for fun or testing..its a here not to judge but that is my own opinion...dont like dont read it kan..senang crita...lagipun who am i to judge im only manusia biasa... Yes ada ramai org cakap...'ala ndak semestinya pakai tudung tu bagus'..yes totally agree with that..jadik its all up to you..mau jadik org gitu ka...or jadi org yg lebih beriman.I saw a lot of fashionista out there who wore tudung ..the latest Ekin (mawi's wife) hey she still look gorgeous coz she got the eye for fashion...hijab doesnt stop u to explore as for me its more adventures than not wearing hijab...u will be different... But to semua dari hati kita..ikhlas ka ndak..if at first pakai tudung just because of fashion memang ndak kan ...