Hmmm....as u can see the topic...I am not agree at all....You can still wear hijab with fashion...only people who dont have the creativity and the eye to fashion doesnt know how to put things together to make you elegant and still wearing hijab .Wearing hijab is not for fun or testing..its a must...im here not to judge but that is my own opinion...dont like dont read it kan..senang crita...lagipun who am i to judge im only manusia biasa...
Yes ada ramai org cakap...'ala ndak semestinya pakai tudung tu bagus'..yes totally agree with that..jadik its all up to you..mau jadik org gitu ka...or jadi org yg lebih beriman.I saw a lot of fashionista out there who wore tudung ..the latest Ekin (mawi's wife) hey she still look gorgeous coz she got the eye for fashion...hijab doesnt stop u to explore as for me its more adventures than not wearing hijab...u will be different...
But to semua dari hati kita..ikhlas ka ndak..if at first pakai tudung just because of fashion memang ndak kan lama ..bab mula2 lagik niat uda pesong...
P/s: this is only my opinion ....and this my blog...hehehe
