First of all i would like to say thank you for all my online friend, friend and family for reading my simple blog. I would like to say here that im not a journalist so the word perfectionist is not here. Mind the grammar and the spelling..i just want to keep it simple and readeble...hehehe...
evening tea at (city Mall)
As usual puting ndak lepas
Simple LO for Kak Saira

Scrappingchix-thanx Naja
old town cafe with family
me and rania( so gemuk oh me hiazzz)
Sleeping beauty
Old town cafe....
Spice Garden DJuncition
Uncle and anty wedding anniversary
The food...

the band behind us....with cuzzy atong

More pic at my facebook...add me ratna halim...
Sorry to all of you..heheh..been busy and and my laptop being revamp..upgraded and so on.A lot of things happened in the past few days. I dont know should i still put my blog title as simple life or not..heheh since i think my life is not that simple...
Every week , every month mesti ada one event or kadang 1 month pun suda 2-3 event happening in my life...well since i have a very big family so the makan2 wont stop ...its like a never ending story .Thanks to Allah i have this life...being bless with a lot food,fun,health,wealth and love.....
how can i explain to you guys ..should i put it in 1 post or separately? Like i said 1 month almost 2-3 event at the time.I will post soon for all the details ya..ooops since im so busy i am not in a scrapbooking mood..i hope i will regain my arty mood by this week. Rania been schooling for almost 1 week already and we are getting used of the routine already . As for rihana well now shes talking even though we dont really understand what shes talking about. Mumbling as if we understand.
Oh ya before i forgot me and hubby now in a process of house hunting...we already had own house tapi jauh cannot stand the jauh ..we decided to buy a new house and existing house mau kasi as you all know house hunting will took may b a month or years...wish us luck in finding a new home for our family...
i attached here some random photo.Which is taken separate day and event.
Scrappingchix-thanx Naja
the band behind us....with cuzzy atong
More pic at my facebook...add me ratna halim...