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How I met my ARty side...

I want to write something might be boring for you guys..but hey what the heck I still want to share hehehe...(paksa bah suruh baca ni)Well let me start.

When I was young I love to dance and that interest is so limited but still blooming till i was in college.Actively joining all the competition and performance either in secondary,primary or college.When i grew old the passion of dancing cam ilang..not totaly hilang la but as you all know bila uda ada anak ni badan pun uda berat ..kekekek..

Sometimes when i sit alone I wondered...hmmmm do i have any talent at all? My mother have talent..she can sew and dad his a good writer (his article always appeared in newspaper ..his poem and all) brother can sing well and play guitar...even my husband can draw beautiful art and can play guitar...and me left wondering...apa yang sa buli buat ni ah...? Singing? Gerenti when i sing katak pun buli masuk hospital.And I tried almost everything..I enrolled to a sewing class..pun setengah jalan trus give up my passion is not there...hmmmm

Tried again cross stiching pun ndak buli half way (ndak siap la bah trus sumbat dalam laci) ...i was restless and lembab bah the outcome...and i tried to bead.I've managed to sell some of my beading work online ...(buat gelang kristal) ok la so far..but still no passion la i found..and i tried to bake a cake and cupcake..jadik tu jadik ..but the same thing teda perasaan ni...

Finally I went to a bookshop and terserempak to a wonderful magazine of scrapbook .That was 2 years ago...and that time im so clueles about scrapbooking.Donno where to buy..and i remember the first LO i made is using A4 paper (kaler paper tu) ...and i was really frustrated..and i stop coz no supply..i tot im gonna lost the passion of scrapbooking again..but after 2 years i found again the same magazine and start searching online about the supply...hey i made it...and this is the passion im looking for...i do have my own thing...i do have my own creativity even though is not as good as other scrapper out there but i have the passion..i do it with my love and interest...

And now i see rania love to draw and i bought her drawing kit..this is the first drawing she made....


HoneyBUZZin said…
Ratna...ada satu kadai di Merdeka yang jual DIY paper craft with stamping..imported goods..mahal sikit but boleh buat bookscrapping yang cantik
Tingkat 3......Merdeka Mall di KK. Sorri..forgot the name of the shop. I'll let u know klu p sana.
Salam cayang. - honey
Ratnariz said…
hi dear..yeah i knew it already...feng shui shop tu kan..mahal tu yang...cant affored..paper craft dia very limited....anyway thanks for the info dear....xoxo
Anonymous said…
yup scrapbooking is fun and can be addictive, but it's a beautiful hobby ;)

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