While waiting to pick rania up from school id went back home to update anything that been delayed for so long..incoming bills and incoming email.You all know that we are in process of looking for house actually..plan to move by this year...but still no luck...ada yang ngam tapi the environment not so good...ada yang environment ngam but the price to pricy..cant really afford more than 500k...satangah juta bah tu boss...mana ada wit..kui....less than that still can consider..basicly looking for a house the price range around 300 to 400k la..gitu..
In the mean time actually i cant wait to have a new house coz i would like to have my own space for scrapping..now i do have but sharing with the girls...since they still kecik so both of them sleep in our room..wait till there grow old a bit ..mayb next year la gitu...
Well back to sharing..here a some pictures ...i shared with the girls room only a corner...