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Soooo annoying.....

Hi all...last few days i've been busy shopping..kui kui...brought the kids to the mall and my mom.since I start working tomorrow so i make it up to bring them jalan2 cos i know once i start my work memang teda masa mau bawa diorang jalan2 .

Talking about annoying people ..did you ever been approach by a sales person in the mall...? Once there approach you they will never listen ..if we said no...they will insist..this incident happened to me yesterday..

After finished having my lunch with my kids in City Mall Lintas, I rushed down to the parking lot on the way one sales man approach us..'kak amik la ni kak...( and than i geleng my kepala and say nicely NO) dia jawab...dengan muka bodoh saying ..'Astaga kak free bah ni bukan mau bayar pun as if im so scared that i have to pay for that...isnt than so stupid..and i said to him ...."I dont care ni free ka ndak you think sa suka benda free ka? Dont you get it i said NO???!!!...sambil keja mengejar ko baru dia tau...kasi ruin my mood and my resolution for new year Dont get annoyed easily...

But hey orang ni ndak paham bahasa ..keep on arrasing us..i cant tolerate with annoying people and ignorant..Im a salesperson also but once people say they dont want it Please la listen kan...bukan ka part of being a perfect sales person is too listen whant customers needs??? ada amik kursus selling ka durang ni ??? or the boss just simply hire them without any proper training..

Oh at 1B already opened..the name is 'Harris'..but actually its under popular bookstore..but compare to other bookshop this one ok la...and near to my house...ive become a familiar face at the bookshop..kui kui...
And the good news is..they sale SCRAPBOOK ALBUM.....wah.....thats for a starter la kan..hehehe...


carolchs said…
that's why i never bothered to even look or say anything to these sales persons if they approached me. tambah kin panas ja tu.

and ya, i kind of like the layout at Harris. kalau mau tnggu movie, buli pi sana kill the time dulu. how nice.
Kris and Nadia said…
yay... agree wif you.. tym sya pg citymall pun gitu jg.. ada tu jam tu kan dorg mo bg mimang dorg ckp "alah, free ja pun nda kan nda mau" ciss... bikin marah btul .. macam ja kami nda ble beli kalu bkn free kan.. huh!! yay knw about harris too but not really interested on going there.. :)
Anonymous said…
Yes! I understand how u feel, sampai I teach my mom what to do, when you came across to these sales people. Sometimes you just had to just ignore by not saying anything. These people mmg ada saja cakap dorang if u talk, so better not...
Unknown said…
wah ... really? Like ages bah tunggu bookstore tu buka hehehehe. Senang lah kalau mau cari buku nanti ... dari tempat keja trus zoooom p 1B ndak sampai 10 minit hahahahha
Ratnariz said…
yes..betul..memang kasi panas tu sales person..dari kita ada mood..trus ilang ni...bukan kita mau marah durang...durang pun cari makan kan..tapi jan la ada attitude gitu....

by the way...Harris bookstore not bad la..for those who love novels sana la p..tapi non fiction punya buku kurang..

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