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Earth Hour Should I JOin in??

Well...the whole world or universe can i say is participating in the Earth Hour campaign.Tidak ketinggalan also Sabah...a few of my friends participated in this campaign by switching off their light for 1 the question is did i participate?

To tell you guys honestly i did not...not saying that i dont love mother nature ..and earth of coz i love them why not..but...since at my place i've already participate unconditionaly coz we've been black out for almost 5 hours before the earth hour even started...and today i've received another notice from sxxb stated that on wednesday its gonna be a major black out from 9am to 5pm in our area. many hour is that? and how much energy that we save for earth..?? count on i dont feel bad by not participating in this campaign but i have no choice ...hehehhe...but like wise different people different perception.


HoneyBUZZin said…
uhuk uhuk....I overheard a conversation between a waiter and a patron at Fish & Co that Earth Hour day...

Patron - ko kasi tutup itu karan jugak ka?

Waiter - Tia tau..hummm...

patron - Oooo jangan tutup lampu arr..ini Kk selalu teda karan..

huhuhu......hari ini pun teda karan punyalah lama..(sweating mood on)
Deana E said…
oh..i didn't know ada 5 hours black out..thanks for the info wednesday again? hmmm..i also did not participate as sona is wide awake and she is busy playing so kesian that she can't play..well may be next time.btw, what car r u driving? im not sure which one r u already.last time waja but i noticed no more that waja.
Ratnariz said…

yes last week from 3pm to 8pm..heheh..and tomorrow the whole day...the waja sold im using myvi green..and hubby black h...heheh so if i pass by wave2 la..kekke..


Ya bah tu la...sabah banyak save energy ja ndak notice.
rahma said…
wah... lm jgk.. telampau betull diorang ni... maintanence kali aa... well, earth hour or not KK memang selalu padam lampu!! heheheee...
Deana E said…
oh..just noticed you yesterday..i terkejut somebody wave..i never noticed your MYV..sory
Ratnariz said…
hi deana...hahah..ya i waved at were on the phone and on the other hand holding your little cute..heheh

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