Had a good time with deary ervy aka atong..last nite.Both of us had a girly nite and enjoy it to bit.Since Im reading Sophie Kinsella book im eager to see the outcome of the movie when they release it...and its a very good movie..its not only a chick flick movie but its funny as well...Isla Fisher was very good...
After movie we went to shusi king..and both of us excited to review back about the movie and talked about it none stop...hehe...no regrets in watching this movie..girls its worth it...do watch it....and one of my close fren asked me...so are you going to sell all of your bags???? hahahah erk NOOOOOO!!! No way...hahaha...after all im not a shoppaholic...(in denial bah still)...
Sushi....I loveeeeeeeeee Sushi...