Last nite i went to watched movie with my hubby at 1b..and its packed with people..coz its the first day showing.Im thrilled and excited to watch the movie.Not that i like science fiction movie but because of'HUGH JACKMAN' ..oh my..oh my...his so HOT!!!!..ergh mind me...im out of my reality check for a while...
The movie is nice ...mayb coz its HUGH JACKMAN!! ..hahah again...well go and watch it guys..its worth Rm9.00...Enjoy!!
klu ko mo print screen tuh, ko p tekan yg ada 'fn' tuh (selalunya sebaris dgn butang spacebar n 'alt' or butang 'ctrl'. then basir plg atas keyboard tuh ko cr 'prt sc'. then ko tekan btg 'fn' n 'prt sc' tu serentak. pastuh, ko buka coreldraw atu photoshop, then ko paste. siap!!
btw, ko sdh tingu tu woverine?? wah, me n hubby pun mo tgk jgk tuh... mgkn next week ^-^
anw, take care dear...
ok gitu ka...paning gak ni tau..nanti ku cuba ya..thanks..beb...
ya bah..his sexy...auuwww..mau tinguk lagik kalik...beli vcd nya...hehehe