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Weekend Mojo...

Well..well.its been a while...i didnt do any LO for my scrapping....been busy with BIG Things..and im sure once this thing is out..YOU GUYS gonna be very Happy especially for those who are crazy about scrapbooking..heheh watch out my update girls...its a surprise for SAbahan especially kk the way this my LO out about RAnia ..did it during the weekend and I only took 30 minutes to do this..well i guess my mojo was on the high pitch .....kekkkee..


HoneyBUZZin said…
Sis..u r really gifted in this crafting tingy la..
Your children r sooooooo cute! Chubby lagi...Honey cubit arr..
Ratnariz said…
hi sis...bah cubit la..kekeke..if you saw us in kk..dont be malu2 tu tegur me and the kids ya..if i dont recognise you let me ni if di kk..main jalan ja..ndak tinguk kiri kanan ...kekekeke..take care beb..
Deana E said…
buka kedai jual scrapbooking material ka? if yes great, no need to order online.bila buka?
Ratnariz said…
hehehe...deana...will let you know when open ya..surprise ordering process...i think belum masuk kadai pun i call you to come to my house already tu..kekekekk
rahma said…
hi babe ^-^ like it so much... kemarin baru sy dpt p cr brg2 for mojo... hhmmm bila mo start aaaa??? btw, pasal digi broadband tu... if you stay dkt area kk, kolombong n 1B, yup its very convenient la. tmpt lain blm ada 3g. it has 700kbps, so mmg laju. for my package tu monthly rm123. klu discover dlm 58-6o++ permonth. and extreme is rm188 permonth. ^-^
Anonymous said…
ni yg aku malas sm ko ni ratna..cantik banar ba ko buat ni.. ehehe mine haven't started since den² was la dis dont 4get us if the BIG THING happens yaaa..all the best
Ratnariz said…
rahma...bah2 uda ada barang bila lagik mau start ni..capat2 aku mau tinguk ni..ndak sabar ni tau..hehehe

aku pun malas sama ko ni ..panat uda aku tunggu ni ko punya scrapbook belum siap...heheheh..the big thing will inform you soon...hehhe
Anne B. said…
tq ratna....maybe i need ur help about the scrapping thing hee im not very good at it actually...
Ratnariz said…
Hi Anne...sure thing..just let me know what you want to know ya..i'll be happy to help you ....
iza said…
cute los...the colors so sweet...

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