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I was born in the 70's but i grew up in the 80's era. Yup Big hair (my mom used to have big hair).Mc Hammer, Vanilla Ice, New Kids on the Block ,Tommy Page (diehard fan of him) and last but not least Thriller Micheal Jackson (may he rest in Peace).

Yes Im in that era...I think that is the coolest era ever..of course at that time there is NO Astro and no cartoon channel. We have to wait every 5pm for cartoon to be aired everyday in tv1 or tv2.And the cartoon Tom and jerry, woody wood pecker,suria perkasa hitam and only TRANSFORMER ...All my siblings a boys so i have to watched with them. During my kid day i was supposed to play with barbie but instead i played with Decepticon and Autobats...funny

While watching this movie i have a flash back during my childhood..i wonder if any of the kids now a days ever watch the real cartoon of Transformer...anyway its a good movie....rating 10 - 10...


rahma said…
heheheee... sm la kita tu dear. me pun saturang jak perempuan n apa2 pun mesti sm2 my brothers. jd apa2 yg boys tingu or play, i will join sekaki... heheheee

rindunya that moment kan...
Lee said…
Hi Ratnariz, you were born in the '70's. I was born in the '40's, just as the Japanese invaded Malaya then.
They had landed in Kota Bahru.
And I remember being excited at seeing the first telephone, only 3 digits, the first traffic lights installed, and girls riding sidesaddle on Vespa scooters behind their boyfriends.

Then Rock and Roll arrived, followed by Elvis Presley..and coffee houses.
The good old days....
You have beautiful kids, guess they have their mom's good looks, ha ha.
You keep well and have a nice day, Lee.
Ratnariz said…
ya la rahma...sib baik ndak jadik tomboy..kekek

Uncle lee,
thank you for dropping your nice word and story 40's it must be exciting watching all the things first time...such the vespas...i cant imagine how nice it was that time i think...all fresh and new....
Queen Tatum said…
jangan di lupa hari jumaat meninguk felem industan ah kak ratna? pas tu pi makan sup di gerai hajah ugis.


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