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Prisoner Of Tehran..

I've been soaked in a war when i read this book..while am reading this book when the kids already sleeping hubby suddenly called me and asked me so 'important' question to me...(b should we buy that house? padahal suda decide and tinggal signing up the snp i told him...why ja la..since its nearer...after finish talking and asked my Hubby ...are you done asking me question? and hubby asked me back...why la? and i told my hubby ..."coz im in the middle of war here" while holding the book..kekeke)..merapu uda kan...

Well as soon i started to read the book i cant put it kena glue my eyes ...its so hearth breaking and by the end of the book i cried...woohhoo.what a book ..i should i say it as memoir...Very good Book...Read it guys..


Maya Ariffin said…
I saw that book but lupa je nak beli..Really u cried? Means a book for me too!!
Anonymous said…
erkk... haven't had the time to read anything lately...or watch any of my fav tv series huhuhu...tunggu la den2 besar ckit kali ah...
Ratnariz said…
Princess Gizmo,

Yes i cried while reading this book..thinking of how come someone experience life like that can still move on with their life with courage and dignity..i salute her to bit..dear go and find the book its worth reading...


Darling if ikut memang teda masa mau baca buku ni...bab i had to make time for it or else my brain will be numb.The time i always use is when the kids are sleeping at nite and while waiting for my rania to finish school i purposely went to her school early for an hour so i had time to read there..kekeke...if ndak memang jan harap la..dapat baca..majalah pun belum tentu sempat...kekeke
HoneyBUZZin said…
so busy to read any books...huhu but magazine...ada juga browse la
Unknown said…
books are really addictive and require "special" time to enjoy the contents.

hmmm I think I should buy that book hehehe macam ndak ada sudah buku mau dibaca di rumah ni bcoz soon after the semester break started, first thing I grabbed was my book hahaha

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