Its been a while ...and lately as u all know i was busy running my online biz ..and another latest story and been aching to share with guys since the day the test turn out to be positive but i waited until i met my gynea to confirm.Yes Im pregnant...my third child.But doctor said he or she a bit small...according to the size he /she suppose to be 5 weeks only but upon calculation its 7 weeks already..mayb i miss count or the baby is just small...going to another appointment again next week..pray everything is going to be ok with the baby...
wah!! am so happy for you!! ^0^ kasi jangkit sy aaa... heheheee...
hopefully everything's going to be ok, dun worry ^0^
Owhh dear, congratulations. Im happy 4u..InsyaAllah everthin' gonna be okay. Take very good care dear...