Hi all, baru la ada kesempatan to update my poor blog...as you all know hari raya bah so no time to update the blog been busy going to open houses...and its already sunday and ngam2 one week raya..
For rania and rihana i think to much raya cookies and sweet drinks and now there down diarea and vomiting the whole morning..been in that condition since yesterday,and last nite you dont want to know what i've been through..being a mother for 2 sick child is quite a challenge thanks to my wonderful hubby biarpun mata ko dah nak tertutup tapi still manage to help me handling to sick kids...
This morning both kids dah tidur..mayb dehidrated..sian tersadai masing kat depan tv..mau ja ku transfer sakit tu at me..but wat to do...
Raya this year i celebrate in Kk with hubby family(but family jugak bah tu)..meriah also la..as for my parents and sibling their went back to sandakan...also meriah la jugak..(but aku tau ndak meriah tu bab aku tak da sana huhuh)....
Today i just stay at home with my sick babies..hoping they well get well soon...

Puteri Ku...

My wonderful Mother Inlaw
btw, how's ur pregnancy?? btw dear, take care ya ^-^v
hi leo..amboi lama tul sunyi sepi ni pompuan tau..