Hi all another Bazaar coming soon...we will be joining a bazaar here in Kota kinabalu...and for those in Kota kinabalu please do visit us ya...
We will be selling a lot of stuff for cheap:
a) Kids clothing - New and used cloth
b) Bags
c) Scarves
d) Mayb some cupcakes
e) Mayb some scrapbook thing...hehe..
Place will be held at:
Likas Square
Time :9am to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday
Date : 5th and 6th Dec 2009...

We will be selling a lot of stuff for cheap:
a) Kids clothing - New and used cloth
b) Bags
c) Scarves
d) Mayb some cupcakes
e) Mayb some scrapbook thing...hehe..
Place will be held at:
Likas Square
Time :9am to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday
Date : 5th and 6th Dec 2009...