Hi ladies... Intro for 2010..is product review
Here i would like to share product review.As u all know im looking for something that suits my dry skin....n yesterday i went to City Mall...n drop by to Elianto counter....to my surprise they also ada bb cream...so gatal2 p tanya..n belek2 the cream...n the cream got 3 different tones..not like normal bb cream only have white tones..so the good news is u can choose it using your color skin...
So ...i purchased the bb cream...n eager to try it on...the very best of this thing is..u dont have to apply moisturizer ,sunblock or makeup base coz its include all....wallla all in 1 product...best kan...i dont feel flaky,dry or even like a mask...i only layered it by using loose powder so it wont to shiny...and it blend really well....the price for it a bit costly rm61 but its worth buying....i give 9 out of 10 star....ok for now.....hope u get info...sharing is caring....
Here i would like to share product review.As u all know im looking for something that suits my dry skin....n yesterday i went to City Mall...n drop by to Elianto counter....to my surprise they also ada bb cream...so gatal2 p tanya..n belek2 the cream...n the cream got 3 different tones..not like normal bb cream only have white tones..so the good news is u can choose it using your color skin...
So ...i purchased the bb cream...n eager to try it on...the very best of this thing is..u dont have to apply moisturizer ,sunblock or makeup base coz its include all....wallla all in 1 product...best kan...i dont feel flaky,dry or even like a mask...i only layered it by using loose powder so it wont to shiny...and it blend really well....the price for it a bit costly rm61 but its worth buying....i give 9 out of 10 star....ok for now.....hope u get info...sharing is caring....

btw, skrg ni bb cream makin famous kan. artis japan n korea suka pki, sbb best. i would to try jgk but still consider the brand. skrg ni cosway, faceshop n elianto yg famous jual cream ni kan... me pun ada skin tone problem. hopefully this month can start using it la. dont forget to update ya, jd blh tmbh motivasi utk beli n pakai heheheee
missing u babe..tau la lama bah ndak update ni ..been super2 busy bah
leeyo: dear,im having the same problem with my inner hidung..kin panas kan...but if you put moisturizer on it...it will go away for a while la..kekek...try the bb cream..i think it work wonder...