Hi all....as u all know..i opened a booth at the flea market last saturday...it was a blast and thanks to all my wonderful friend who come and support me..by them coming to my booth makes me feel love and important to their life...i love you all so much...
Neway...I sell Kids clothing and for trial my very own homemade cupcakes..to my surprised abis plak tu cupcake ohh yippie...suka hati me...ada yg datang balik mau tu cupcake tapi abis..n ada yg asked me to be her tutor..wow thats a wonderful compliment for me..ahaks...I dont know if this is my future business...but i definately be making a lot of cupcakes and selling kids clothing (cheap price)..here is the photo taken by En Hamid Ismail...If you guys want him to do photoshoot for him please contact me and i will directly link you to him..hehe..okay enjoy the picture.

Neway...I sell Kids clothing and for trial my very own homemade cupcakes..to my surprised abis plak tu cupcake ohh yippie...suka hati me...ada yg datang balik mau tu cupcake tapi abis..n ada yg asked me to be her tutor..wow thats a wonderful compliment for me..ahaks...I dont know if this is my future business...but i definately be making a lot of cupcakes and selling kids clothing (cheap price)..here is the photo taken by En Hamid Ismail...If you guys want him to do photoshoot for him please contact me and i will directly link you to him..hehe..okay enjoy the picture.

Kalau sis buka kadai CupCake..sia datang nih...
deana: mayb continue la ni tapi we'll see can camna..huhu