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The House is Sold!!!

Yessszzaaa, Alhamdulillah sukur,

Finally our house here in Taman Malawa Jaya now can concerntrate renovating our new home.....jadik agen n receptionist aku for the past few weeks...busy attending ppl to view our house..huhuh..panat tau...but akhirnya rumah ini dapat dijual dengan jayanya...skang aku mau minta percent sama hubby..yuhhhu...percent ku mana daling...panat sa mau layan semua tu tau...kekekeke....happy to max aku ni ...and now happy lagik bab share the news with you guys first tauuuu...bukan di fb dulu ahhh di blog dulu......coz i lap u all bah...more than fb...bah nanti aku update lagik ah....see ya alligator!!


Alhamdulliah....raya nanti jemput dewi kerumah ok...
Alhamdulliah....raya nanti jemput dewi kerumah ok...
Maya Ariffin said…
Alhamdulillah I'm happy for you!! :D

Yipppeeee!!! Jgn lupa bilik scrap tau!! HEhehe share2 d pic nanti if your scraproom siap ok? ;)

Once again congrats!! :DD
Kris and Nadia said…
Wahhh jual rumah ka? nda post pun... mana tau mau beli...
Ratnariz said… ndak tau cikgu mau carik uma plak huhu..tapi jauh bah cikgu uma ni ...sepanggar..ndak ngam tu hehehe..
CathJ said…
Owww... tahniahhhhh..... not easy to sell property now a days... good job... pi la minta laling percent... hehehehhehe
Ratnariz said…
cath dear: iya aku mau minta laling la ni percent..kekeke..
Shana said…

pindah pi mana gung?

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