I want to announce here that i am a Mary Kay beauty consultant trained and well equipped with beauty knowledge.I'll be happy if you guys need a beauty consultant and as complementary i can give you free facial n makeup session with lots of products to be test...sound nice rite...give me a call and will let you know more...!!! Wont crash your bank to be beautiful...

Cleanser 113ml
Mask 113g
Refreshener 150ml
Moisturizer 85g
Botanical Customized Skin Care (Formula 1 for dry skin)
Hibuscus is added for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits and to alleviate "tight" feel and redness.
Set ini amat sesuai utk kulit kering & sensitif. Ia memberi kelembapan & soothing effect pd kulit. Set ini mengandungi bunga raya utk kebaikan antioksidan & bhn anti inflammatori yg dpt mengurangkan rasa tegang & kemerahan pd kulit.
Price for this product:
Cleanser RM65
Mask RM75
Freshner RM65
Moisturizer RM80

Cleanser 113ml
Mask 113g
Refreshener 150ml
Moisturizer 85g
Botanical Customized Skin Care (Formula 1 for dry skin)
Hibuscus is added for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits and to alleviate "tight" feel and redness.
Set ini amat sesuai utk kulit kering & sensitif. Ia memberi kelembapan & soothing effect pd kulit. Set ini mengandungi bunga raya utk kebaikan antioksidan & bhn anti inflammatori yg dpt mengurangkan rasa tegang & kemerahan pd kulit.
Price for this product:
Cleanser RM65
Mask RM75
Freshner RM65
Moisturizer RM80
cj: thanks darl...