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Yeay Naik Pangkat..

Been very busy lately with my new career as Independent Beauty consultant.The good news is id already become a Team nya..kerja diluar separuh mati pun belum tentu boleh naik pangkat gini cepat...belum tentu kena recognition best ...i think i found something that i really love..balance out..i can rotate my busy schedule around my ka ndak tu..i can choose bila i want my skincare class to be held n earn the same time ada masa with my family and jalan2 shopping...isnt this our dream career...for most women yes kan...mmg best..meeting new wonderful friends yang cantik berkharisma semua tau ..but of course not easy as it look must also work hard bah..mana2 keja kena gak semangat and jangan putus asa.I've been attending event and meetings ..jan heran suri rumah pun ada meeting and event to attend kan...bah this are the picture...

ps: sapa mau skincare class free do call me jan malu2 ah...malu2 rugi ..hehe



Maya Ariffin said…
Congrats sis!! I'm so envy of you!! Hehehe you can do your job & enjoy it at the same time! :D
Anonymous said…
Congratulations to you sis..
CathJ said…
Congrats... congratsssss..... :)

love the word.. pink car on the board.. hihihi
Puan Saiman said…

tahniah ahh....
Anonymous said…
Congrtz dear.. all the best 4 ur new outcome...
congrats... semoga rezeki mu akan bertambah berlipat ganda. You deserve it...

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