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Its very tough for kids..

Like always after finished cooking i sat down on my lappy n rania also doing her homework.Suddenly i heard rania mengeluh and i asked her why.And suddenly she cried macam frust sangat2 kesian tul. I asked her napa nangis 'rania p sekolah ramai budak cina tak mau kawan ngan rania coz i dont understand what are they talking about (dia sekolah chinese skul)..n she said bila teacher dia tanya apa benda tu dia tak paham the symbol.She cried and cried and i consul her.Sian dia kecik2 lagik uda frustrated ngan keadaan.Now make me wondering should i continued sending her to chinese school or not.Id already register her for primary school at chinese school.If this thing continue i cant help her if her homework in chinese.How am i suppose to help her? do you guys have any suggestion how??

But than i asked she wants to continue in chinese school and she said she wants to learn how to speak chinese..i really hope she can do it...if cant than i have to transfer her back to ordinary school. hmmmm..dilemma gak ni...or i think i enrolled in chinese school ..ada kak ajar speak chinese here in kk for adult??


CathJ said…
helloooo my fren... kami lagi lah teruks... nama ja bapa nya org cina tapi buta huruf... tapi mau kasih sekolah anak cina... adui... for now..belum ada problem...coz play school... tapi ada belajar cina juga... nah... sekali dtg homework cina... bertolak2 lah tu buku kasih bapa kasih mama...

belum lagi masuk tadika atau d.1...

but I suggest you biar kan dia masuk sekolah cina as long as she like it..

I ada saudara... mak dia cakap bahasa kadazan je kat dia... sekali masuk tadika ... ha semua org dia ckp kadazan... dia tak reti melayu... baru sekolah cina lagi tu.... hahaah...

tapi mom dia teruskan juga...sekrg dah besar panjanggg... cakap cina dahhh...

so all the best..

(aku lagi lah teruks..tak pandai ckp cina pun...hahahah)
Anonymous said…
Dear Ratna, my sisters n bros pun had the same probs as rania, luckily d sekolah durg they have tuition and if they can cope with it ada extra classes, then klu homework we had to ask our jiran sepakat membawa berkat yg ada anak sekolah cina ehehe... mmg ada advantage klu yg sekolah cina ni.. my sisters n bros till now klu bab2 mengumpat hmmm ckp cina la.. and i learnt to speak few mandarin for free dari durg jg ehehe.. try to look ads d DE or Sabah Times kadang2 ada tu learn to speak chinese punya ad. even bahas jepun pn ada. gd luck to u and rania k.
Cat said…
Yes, U should cont to send her to Chinese school. She will be able to adapt after a while, coz i've seen lots of other races students in Chinese school who excel . Give her some more time. And good Luck .
Anonymous said…
aslkum kak ratna...hehehe...cuba tanya cikgu sekolah rania if there any shop that buy cd & book for learning chinese?....atau akak beli buku chinese yg ada sebutannya...which we call it 'hua yi pin yin'....u also can learn it ot wif rania...hehehe...

sya dulu sengsara juga...masa sek ren, mana ada org nak ajar subjek chinese ( i also blajar at chinese school)...nasib la, jiran belah uma is chinese n their daughter is my school & classmate...hahaha...we study together &play together...speak chinese lorrr....

let rania continue la blajar at chinese school...learning something also need time...pelan2 kama...1 day she will be the best tue!~~ ;D

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