Im super duper excited !!! yeayy...ish belum apa2 cam munyit uda lumpat2 sib baik ja perut uda besar if ndak mau sumer solt ni ...wah ...just wanna share with you on my way to put some Hijab Collection by the end of this month i hope semua ok ..n hope my tailor tu dpt la siapkan all my collection...
My collection is more to Hijab wear actually sapa ndak pakai hijab pun boleh pakai since tujuan mmg untuk memudahkan kita wanita begerak dan bergaya at the same time of the collection i will reveal is like Hana Tajima wore..the long cardigan tu...
yang ni ...aah...I will called it apa ya? astaga teda idea ..keke ideasss pleaseee...

cantik kan.....will update soon...stay tuned...
My collection is more to Hijab wear actually sapa ndak pakai hijab pun boleh pakai since tujuan mmg untuk memudahkan kita wanita begerak dan bergaya at the same time of the collection i will reveal is like Hana Tajima wore..the long cardigan tu...
yang ni ...aah...I will called it apa ya? astaga teda idea ..keke ideasss pleaseee...

cantik kan.....will update soon...stay tuned...