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Battling with anxiety.

Hi assalamualaikum,

For the past 3 years since 2015 I've been diagnose with anxiety/panic disorder. Is it a disorder or a mental sickness? I know not all are brave enough to share this to anyone or in my case to the world. I cant really remember when was the 1st time I experienced the anxiety. But I sure hell remember how does it  feel. It felt like the world around me shrinking, my heart pounding hard macam baru lepas berlari 100 meter. My hand sejuk and numb. Rasa macam nak muntah ,nak teberak semua sekali. Since it was the 1st time, masa tu I don't even know whats goin on with my body. Cant control and felt like I'm going to die.

Its the worse feeling ever. Once I cant breathe when I'm inside the car. Me myself don't understand what my body is trying to tell me. Dalam kepala Ya Allah aku dah kena sakit kronik maybe. Mulalah panic fikir about my kids. Whose going to take care of them if I'm gone. Am I a good muslim ? Did I do what Allah want me to do? The thinking going on and on..until I cant sleep at night.

One day I googled my symptoms. Taip semua yang I rasa...finally I got an answer but not yet puas hati. I made up my mind to search help. I went to the doctor , told him about all about it. He did a stress towards me. Ecg my heart and I came out the result was all in good shape. He than asked me about my life.Thats it..the things that happened in my life that time triggered my anxiety. I had to close my boutique, my so called bff been stabing my back , I do it all in the household ..come to conclusion doctor diagnose me with anxiety/panic disorder.

The journey is like a rollercoaster for me. I had to be strong in order for me to take care of my family. And all of the things started to be better when I learn more about anxiety .This I will share with you guys in the next post. How I cope and handle the anxiety thru out my daily life. I'm not saying that I'm cured. For me I don't think it can be cured unless you don't have anything to worry anymore in your life .For now I'm sharing my 1st experienced in my life being diagnose with anxiety.

Until next time .

Eojin Eomeoni


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