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Showing posts from April, 2009

iphone or Blackberry...

This are the two things that i've lust for the past few months..still eyeing and still saving money for this gadget..but im still not sure which one to buy...i like iphone so much coz of the features and very womenly ..kunuk la..and for blackberry also nice..coz a lot of celebrities using it..including my Icon KIMORA LEE SIMMONS..aiya camna...ok la the point money first..once uda cukup baru pikir kan..hehe...


Last nite i went to watched movie with my hubby at 1b..and its packed with people..coz its the first day showing.Im thrilled and excited to watch the movie.Not that i like science fiction movie but because of 'HUGH JACKMAN' ..oh my..oh my...his so HOT!!!!..ergh mind out of my reality check for a while... The movie is nice ...mayb coz its HUGH JACKMAN!! ..hahah again...well go and watch it guys..its worth Rm9.00...Enjoy!!

Altered Biscuit Tin

Hi all this is my latest addiction...Alteration ....donno why i got this tons of ideas to alter it goes...picture before and after...

Proud Of you my Bro

On the 21st of April we went to Mas Airport to send my third bro to KL...he got a job at KL...he was so happy he got PTD...Im so proud of him.As you all know PTD interview is a tough interview..and he GOT it! his in KL...i wish him good luck with his new Career..bah jan lupa bawa menantu balik ah...hehehe Love you Bro.....Hafeez...

Weekend Retreat....

Been doing a lot of things this weekend.Attending my bff son's bday party at KFC Wawasan ...and of cos i did something for my own retreat.I did mini album for rania and rihana picnic day.Since i have a lot of their picture and its a waste to be put in the box so i decided to compile with cd holder..heheh...i used file and cover to put cd and altered it to be mini album...still a lot of things to be done since the front cover of the cd still thinking of sewing on top of it...let see how its look later when i covered it the moment enjoy the picture...

I won a raks from Scrap It Lah...!! my surprise i won a raks from Scrap It Lah .. goodies sponsored by Lovely dearest Chowchow...heheh sorry for the error.. ...oh my oh my...its a new Malaysian Challenge Blog..all i have to do is to submit the LO before 15th April and hehe and i got picked....lucky me...thanks chowchow and michelle B.....!! Looking forward for a new challenge...

Rania's Birthday!!!

Happy birthday my dear beloved doter, oh my...she's 5th time fly so fast sooo sorry dear...cant celebrate your birthday this week and no cake yet since you are schooling this week ..wait until end of this week la ..will do some small celebration...

AWard FRom Kimora San...

As cute as the nickname..Kimora give me an award for my blog..thanks beb..its been a while...take care...for this award i would love to give to all my followers..hehehe..take care in peace!!!

Confessesion of a shoppaholic

Had a good time with deary ervy aka atong..last nite.Both of us had a girly nite and enjoy it to bit.Since Im reading Sophie Kinsella book im eager to see the outcome of the movie when they release it...and its a very good movie..its not only a chick flick movie but its funny as well...Isla Fisher was very good... After movie we went to shusi king..and both of us excited to review back about the movie and talked about it none regrets in watching this movie..girls its worth watch it....and one of my close fren asked are you going to sell all of your bags???? hahahah erk NOOOOOO!!! No way...hahaha...after all im not a shoppaholic...(in denial bah still)...

April LO

WAh...after a while so many things to do..finally i managed to do one LO for my deares fren Za...for her doter...arysha...I frame the LO......I really hope they like between i did something simple for a badge for it when i saw it at someone blog...totally forgot which sorry...

To my suprise....!!!!

I was suprised when my little one showing her talent so early...Age only 2 years 5 months she already know how to talented she..who would of tot kan....


For those who think this is x-rated sorry ah..not in my intention to do so.Today hubby brought me and the kids to see the house in LIKAS which we intend to buy if everything find. On our way back home hubby wanted to buy newspaper so he stop by to one of the local store in LIKAs. I stayed inside the car so malas want to turun but the kids followed their dad in.Suddenly rania knocked the window and asked me look at it.... WAhh..kekekek i was shocked and funny..both of us laughing inside the car and when my hubby saw it he also laugh....relaks ja si member shopping...

Saturday Picnic

This Saturday the whole family went for a picnic at TAnjung ARu KK..We left home as early as 8.00am and reached at the spot around 9am...(it took 1 hour to reach coz i have to picked up my bro from his place and my mom)...the kids cant wait to get their hands on the sandy beach. We found a good spot to landing...unpacking our things and food ....after eating the kids off to mandi...syok..but to hot la..cant really tahan the hot weather...but you know kids..mana peduli tu...yang penting main ...hehehe...More pic ..drop by facebook..