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Showing posts from 2009

Why i love December

Hi all...i know..i know..its been a while i didnt post anything to my dearie blog..been busy bah...attend wedding,event,cupcakes,kids the list goes on...December is here and thats mean my birthday also here..but already past la...i love december coz i will received a lot of wonderful gift and wishes and its holiday for most of the time..hehe ....will upload more shopping pictures for december month so stay tune ya...take good care all....muaxxx....

Another Event

Hi all another Bazaar coming soon...we will be joining a bazaar here in Kota kinabalu...and for those in Kota kinabalu please do visit us ya... We will be selling a lot of stuff for cheap: a) Kids clothing - New and used cloth b) Bags c) Scarves d) Mayb some cupcakes e) Mayb some scrapbook thing...hehe.. Place will be held at: Likas Square Time :9am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday Date : 5th and 6th Dec 2009...

Shoes again....??

HHmmm say no latest shoe collection ..dont blame me..its to beautiful to be ignore...thats the reason why the shoe being invent is for us to cherish and wear it..hehe....My latest collection for my Ballerina Shoes....adorable kan..

Vote for me ....

Hi all...bump into this wonderful shoes...and now my eyes mau terkluar uda donno which one to looking for something like stud shoes ..since i dont have one.kunuk mau la bah...hahaha...more like gladiator shoes...please tell me which one is nice ah..Headache...!!

I'll be in the Bazaar....!!!

Hi all just want to give you a quick update about my weekend..I will joining the Bazaar at Lintas Station, Lintas this weekend from 9am to 5pm...Saturday and Sunday..I will be selling CHEAP YES I SAID CHEAP!! KIDS CLOTH...AND ALSO OTHER GOODIES.... Do visit us there ya!! SEE YA!!!


Hi starting to launch my collection of cake now..hehe...for this cake only charge you Rm60.00 (top fondant tau)...but 1 layer cake only la..if mau lebih layer of coz the price pun layer gak..ahaks...any order let me know ya..take care all..

Flea Market and Bazaar in KK

Hi all ..Want to inform you guys..there's gonna be a Bazaar and Flea Market in KK.Here the info ya: INDOOR FLEA MARKET/ BAZAAR RENT A STALL - Fully aircond - A table and chair provided for each stall IDEAS: - New or used clothes, shoes, bags, toys, books, fashion accessories - Cosmetics products - Health products - Plants - Promote your art work (photography, paintings, handmade craft, jewelry) - Show off your baking skills (Cakes, buns, cupcakes, cookies, pastry, pudding) - Other products are welcome FOR MORE INFO PLS CALL 088-232960 / 016-8459 640/ 016-8495544 DATE: 14th & 15th November 2009 TIME: 9am-5pm VENUE: Ground Floor, Lintas Station,Lintas Plaza (Same building as 7Eleven & RHB bank) COME AND JOIN THE FUN!!!! XOXO...

Shopping ..Im loving it...

Adakah aku ni kena kategori gila shopping..jan la bah guna perkataan gila shopping tu kan...(shopperholic sedap sikit plak aku dengar tu kan..)yeah wat ever maksud dia sama gak kan..keke bah biar la wit aku gak....uisey mau kasi sedap hati bah ni... Masa di Sandakan aku pusing2 la kunuk di Genting Mas Mall yang baru...sedang aku belek2 aksesori..ternampak plak aku gelang ni ..cantik tul ku rasa tau...if di boutique jual mau gak dkt ratus aku tekejut nengok..betul ka mata ku tinguk ni rega..(ndak paya la aku kestau ah..hehe tapi sapa mau order buli bah hahah sampat lagik bisnes) la aku sampat beli...ada banyak lagik corak sampai aku pun ndak tau mana satu mau pilih...santik kan ...hehe

Cuppy Cup Cake

Fuhh (taking my breath)..hi guys...i just got back from my hometown sandakan...relaxing for a while..and can u imagine i forgot to bring my cam..astaga...ish...nevermind below is my latest creation for cupcake..will be coming more soon....take care all....

The Ugly Truth

Last nite after the kids sleeping me and hubby went on a movie date..bukan keluar uma dvd ..since hubby mau test kunuk his latest home theatre aiseymen...we watched The ugly truth ...starred by Gerald Butler and Katherine Heighl( betul ka ndak spelling nya tu)...neway the movie is a cute romantic movie...reminds me of courting process with hubby..act cool kunuk tapi dlm hati tuhan ja tau..its a relaxing movie...and funny though..if mau rate out of 10 ..hmmm i give 7 la..gitu buli tahan la bah tu kan..hehe..enjoy the movie ya....tata..

My Cupcake Business

Hi all,for those who follow me at fb surely know that rite now im merging to a cupcake anyone want to order let me know or do contact me via blog,facebook,email or even call or sms me ya.... This one is for my lovely niece birthday...there are more to come...

Apa..sejak bila aku adik beradik ngan Mak ko ni..?

Hi after picking up rania from school i bring her to 1b for lunch..pusing-pusing she told me she want to eat at KFC..ok la..bring her there..after order me and her duduk la...tiba2 ada lah mamat ni datang dkt meja..pekeja KFC tu ler..."macik boleh saya amik talam ni'? aik bebulu ku dengar ..buli2 panggil aku macik..."helo aku ni adik beradik ngan mak ko ker? lagi satu mak ko tu baya aku ker? rupa dia cam aku ker? ..sengih jer budak tu ku sound.. Nak panggil org betempat la...ada ka muka aku ni muka macik..bukan sombong tapi of coz aku manusia terasa la beb...tua sangat ka aku ni..baru 33 tahun la...lagipun if yang panggil aku tu budak kecik tak pa la jugak ni..uda tua bangka..boleh kategori aku jadik kakak dia lagik...buta ka apa ..heran tul...muka mak dia baya aku ker...gila tul la... Padahal aku bukannya pakai baju selekeh pun...tak la aku pakai baju kurung ..siap pakai jeans ngan kemeja lagik..ngan eye shadow n maskara biru lagik tau..siap pakai contact len...

Future Makeup Artist little doter ni..bukan main lagik ni....bah tinguk maminya selalu tempek muka org ngan makeup nah dia pun ikut mau makeup gak..mangsa nya my PA la..jugak sian both me and my doter kasi jadik dia mangsa muka untuk di tempek..har har...she got talent plak tu..muka serious tu buat menda ni..hehe...

Before and After

Since mau organise Beauty workshop......jadi me pun buat la teknik Makeup Asas ,teda sapa mau di sental PA la jadi mangsa heheh... BEFORE AFTER

Makeup Course In Kota Kinabalu

Hi all, We gonna held a Makeup Course by the end of October which is early November 2009. Sits are limited for 20 people only. Makeup course will be 1 day.Date and place will be inform when 20 people had been confirm to attend.The course will be Rm 250.00(the cheapest you can find) The course include: 1) Basic Makeup to Bridal 2) Personal Grooming 3) How to wear tudung (for muslim and how to style your hair ) 4) Free Door gift 5) Basic Makeup Kit(Di sediakan dan di bawa balik oleh peserta) 6) Participation Certificate 7) Lunch and Teatime Time :10 am to 5pm (Weekends) Date : Will be inform Place : Will be inform. Closing Date will be on the 1st Nov 2009. Please email me for registration or sms me at 0168340177 . Upon registration bank in a deposit Rm 150.00 and other half at the course day.Thank you.Further infor please give me a call ya.... Dont miss it...we gonna have fun girls!!!


Last week..out of now where while me hunting at the bakery store to find some ingredients tiba2 ada org call...unfamiliar number dalam hati 'ish sapa lagik ni kacau tul ..aku baru mau shopping ni...'(dont blame me..i cant be disturb while am making and important decision bah hehe)..neway...i picked up the phone..and the gentlemen in the end of the phone mention my name yang panjang berjela tu without even stop for a breath ..salute him...ok the story...i got an interview with OSK Investmenet Bank...! Dalam kepala otak bepikir...bila masa aku apply ni ah..? rupanya uda berkurun lama di JObstreet tu baru ku dipanggil..ahaks...ndak pa ku besyukur gak padahal dalam hati tu ndak gak berapa mau keja..hahahah...(terlampau manja uda di uma with my own time )tapi i think i should try it ja la..nothing to lose bah... Now the problem is what to wear???? Adui.sakit kepala trus ni tau....baju opis muat ka lagik..its been a year already ndak pakai working attire...semalam abis selon...

How la??

My heart and my mind keep on wondering...bukan rindu sapa2 pun...apahal ni ah...oooooh rupanya bulan ni uda masuk bulan october kan..jadik nafsu ku uda berbisik...'oii beg baru tuk bulan ni mana?' aik...heran ni tau...belum apa2 baru mau berkembang nafsu pun ikut gak ka..adui...Ya Allah tabah kan hati ku...tapi fikiran ku uda termimpi malam bag gucci tu tau...adih dih....How la this?????

Bizi nya..tuhan ja tau ...

Hi all...been busy lately..adus if buli ku duplicate badan ku ni..uda lama ku duplicate..satu buat tuk buat cupcake..satu tuk hantar anak gi skul..satu tuk antar cupcake order...aku la chef ..aku la driver...aku la segalanya..Tapi aku besyukur ...thank God to Allah for giving me the rezeki... Skang lagik tengah venture business baru...i hope its gonna be a for my cupcake things a catching up..heheh...thank to my lovely PA...for her hard work and of course me ah... For rania and rihana sian for this few days kena kasi tinggal ja di to avoid feeling guilty beli la barang for them..not expensive barang la just a simple things to make them happy...and for me not feeling guilty..hehehe...(trick bah tu) Ok all...anything terpelanting will update again..ariosss..amigos..

One week Raya....

Hi all, baru la ada kesempatan to update my poor you all know hari raya bah so no time to update the blog been busy going to open houses...and its already sunday and ngam2 one week raya.. For rania and rihana i think to much raya cookies and sweet drinks and now there down diarea and vomiting the whole morning..been in that condition since yesterday,and last nite you dont want to know what i've been through..being a mother for 2 sick child is quite a challenge thanks to my wonderful hubby biarpun mata ko dah nak tertutup tapi still manage to help me handling to sick kids... This morning both kids dah tidur..mayb dehidrated..sian tersadai masing kat depan tv..mau ja ku transfer sakit tu at me..but wat to do... Raya this year i celebrate in Kk with hubby family(but family jugak bah tu)..meriah also for my parents and sibling their went back to sandakan...also meriah la jugak..(but aku tau ndak meriah tu bab aku tak da sana huhuh).... Today i just stay at home with my...

Am Loving it...

WITH MY TWO LITTLE PRINCESS Today we went for Buka Puasa at Hyatt Hotel .The kids eat Nasi Ayam me pun cuba Japenese Dinner set la kunuk...hmmmm(sorry ndak sedap pun)..the Nasi Ayam ok la..maybe i choosed the wrong menu kali tau...wat ever!! Neway while hubby busy chit chattin with "Datuk" me and the kids took a chance to jalan shopping at Wisma Merdeka since Hubby bagi duit angpow for me....yippie..Thank you sayang!! love you soo much..(andui gedik plak kan) So aku pun pigi la kedai di Wisma Merdeka ni...jalan2 terpikat aku dengan Jam Tangan Sk Time Jenama dari HOng Kong fav lagik tu..aku pun bagi salam la sama Jam tu...try pusing sana sini...tinguk cermin trus melakat tau di tangan...bah aku tanpa membuang masa sambar terus hehehe...blang kunuk ndak mau shopping suda..i cant help it more shopping ah...sudah la..enough said..this is the picture.... Bila ku sampai uma ndak kesabaran want to share with you guys...tekejut beruk aku bila ku ting...

Love at first sight...

Dah shopping semua?? as for me this is my last minute more shoes and bag for me until the end of the year...huhu...Bila ku pergi ke 1b ku lalu Boutique Guess..telinga ku terdengar seperti ada memanggil ku bila ku pandang di tingkap kedai adusss...Love at first sigth....heheh...thank you hubby ku bagi bag and shoes..I really love it...this is my catch for Hari Raya.. Amboi beraya sakan plak aku..kalah lagi budak2 ni..hehe diorang baju dah beli awal lagik belum puasa lagik dah ready...skang giliran maknye plak...hihihi..senyum kambing aku dari kemarin mengenangkan 'Cinta Hatiku' dapat ku miliki.....

Mv Doulos The Ship

Well i guess rite now everybody is busy preparing for Hari Raya...since its coming close to next also cant hardly wait..yaiks..but to bad for this raya i didnt go back to my kampung at sandakan...huhu...coz this year is hubby turn to raya at KK instead i have to deal with it either i like it or not... Even though its still Ramadhan but we still bring Rania and Rihana out .For this week me and hubby decided to bring them to the big ship which is every 2 years if im not mistaken will come to kk and sale books..The first we went there at 10am on sunday but the ship is still closed so we went back there around 4pm... In order to get to the ship kitaorang have to jalan kaki through the deck...adui..letih yang amat ..dahaga cam nak mati...tapi for the kids me and hubby kuat kan semangat naik gak kapal tu..the kids were so excited... time ni pagi..masi tutup singgah jap amik gambar.. Adik takut mau keluar...amik gambar dalam keta pun jadik la... Dah naik kat atas kapal...