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Festival Filem 22 Malaysia


The event was held at UMS (Universiti Malaysia Sabah).Me, hubby and family were invited to celebrate together.And it was fun meeting up all the celebrities especially the veteran..Here are part of the pictures you can see more at my facebook..


afnan_syuwari said…
kak ada mnta numb juliana evans???
lau ada, share2 r.
Kris and Nadia said…
wawa.. bestnya.. sya tgk d tv seja :)
HoneyBUZZin said… must be fun ..bergambar ngan artis.
Ratnariz said…
nan...mana la dia mau kasi tu.hehe

kris...mmg best la..

Honey sis...yup it was fun .dapat la kasi hilang my tention ..
rahma said…
hi dearest... wah, makin temban la you... hehehehee pembawaan budak ka??

anw, take care ya ^-^
Ratnariz said…
hi im still uda tiada..after this pic i had a misscarried...

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