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Showing posts from 2010

Should I ..should I Not...

Thinking of letting go of my maid...I knowwwww its not a good idea..kena lagik me skang preggy mmg stress.But dia punya odore mmg ku ndak tahan uda...sebelum mengandung ok lagik bila uda mengandung ni lagik teruk la baunya.Satu uma bau tau bukan setakat limpas or beselisih baunya tapi mmg lekat .Ada smell treckker ..i think if mau carik dia ndak payah pakai anjing yg buli hidu tu kita sendiri pun buli bau dia tinggal.Bukan la bau dia cam bau ketiak tu No...tapi bau badan ..u know each people ada dia punya own bau kan n thats its the bau.Even hubby complaint and said dont know until when dia tahan.But i KNOOOOwwww susah mau carik org gaji skang but im looking..ada ja pengganti i will let this one go definately...well i guess i have to bare with it dulu la until i found someone to replace her kan.coz i know its not a good idea in my condition rite now. So trow i will inspect her and let her know to take her bath 3 times a day..i dont care....wish me luck in finding a new maid...huhu..

Pregnant and heavily Bloated....erk..

Yes...Now im about 12 weeks pregnant ..and yes still a long way to go..teda mood ni mau update status.My mood swing cam hantu ..jap ok jap hangkang...even our holiday trip to hongkong pun belum terupload..haiyak..bukan apa tu internet slow bah n i cant stand it.Memang bengang tiap kali mau upload gambar..but i try my best la tu upload nanti ya..thank you all coz bersabar menunggu update ku yg kadang merapu ni kekeke...neways take care..muaxsxx..xoxo

A long silence...

Helo sorry been neglecting my lovely blog for so long but doesnt mean im not busy or nothing important happy in life....n rite now im updating this blog pakai hp...sebabnya mau kasi on laptop or pc pun malas...camna jugak tiap kali mau kasi on punya lama...15 mimit sis inlaw baru ja kawin n u can imagine how busy I am ..rania graduation n concert...enrollment to a new school...rihana goin to start schooling...planning a vaca na busy ka ndak..the list keep on going....n now I was thinking of venturing a new business...thinking of online biz more seriously...wish me luck ya...take cr all n salam eid adha!!

New year Resolution...

Aik awal jugak kan, baru october uda buat new resolution..bukan apa bila di pikir balik tak payah mau tunggu new year baru la ada niat mau tukar itu ini untuk diri sendiri betul ka tidak.Well been doing a lot of thinking..i need to organize a lot of things .My life basicly organize the only thing i need to organize is my clutter..adui bikin sakit baju,my tudung ,my makeup ..lama2 tertimbus oleh barang sendiri..i dont want to be a hoader ...risau aku tinguk makin hari makin i have to get rid some of the things sedekah or jual...wish me luck ya....take care all.

Raya with my new bag..aha aha aha

Dear Blog, Its been a while jugak la kan i abandoned you.Almaklumlah hari raya bah busy menggemukkan diri n melaram sakan.Raya tahun i for me Meriah jugak Alhamdulillah Allah bagi rezeki untuk berbelanja seadanya i said before this for raya ni baju kurung for me hanya 2 yg baru the rest pakai yg tahun2 lepas since aku ni bukan jenis minah baju kurung so most of my baju kurung still new..pakai 1-2 kali for my kids n hubby diorang yg beraya sakan...rania rihana ja kasut 3 pasang ok...baju berpasang-pasang..n hubby amboi2...jam baru melekat di tangan huhuhu...(pssst next year my turn ah...mau omega or tag ya darling hehehe muaxx)... AAAh ni good part the only thing yg buat aku excited ni la bag kaler lagik.....cuba teka jenama apa ka itewwwww...hehehe.....sedondon mak siti ngan beg pink nyer p beraya ngan anak2 n suami tercinta kerumah sanak saudara..hehehehe

Kotak aksesori

Round2 ..pusing2 ...akhirnya aku ketemu jugak benda yg ku cari selama ni.Ndak plan pun mau carik barang ni tapi bila nampak ja trus grab la..since mmg lama uda mau ni for all my aksesori yg selama ni d dlam kotak selama pindah uma baru ni uma baru diorang ...eiii shomel..i love it...


Yeay super duper excited. The search has began.... This are the particulars: Mary Kay believes every woman is a “model of beauty” – and that deserves to be celebrated. So enter the Mary Kay® Model of Beauty Search for your opportunity to be featured in The Look! A total of six* lucky grand prize winners will get: • A professional photo session to appear as a “model of beauty” in The Look. • Mary Kay® Color Cosmetics *Four winners from Malaysia and two winners from Singapore Plus 10 runner-ups will receive the Satin Hands® Pampering Set FREE! 16 September – 15 November 2010 Contact your Independent Beauty Consultant now through 15 November 2010 for a free personalized makeover. Hubungi Perunding Kecantikan Bebas anda sekarang dan sehingga 15 November 2010 untuk mendapatkan makeover peribadi secara percuma. Have your Beauty Consultant take before-and-after photos of you. Pastikan Perunding Kecantikan anda mengambil gambar sebelum dan selepas anda.。 Comple...

My New Lover...hmmmm...muaxxss

Dear Blog, Im so happy and overwhelmed when my new lover came rite at my door.He is strong and big.Make my life easier and less stress (bukan teda stress masi ada tapi kurang hehe).My job at home seems to be more easier and all things a been better since his arrival.I called him My Jacob...aah ngam kan..Ni la my new lover... Na ada sapa mau lawan ka? Dia ni semua buli buat .Kasi bersih,kasi spin ada air dry,control spin mmg susah mau carik gini perfect kan... Im loving it!!

Shopping Raya!!

Hmmm sapa uda shopping sini....bah aku dengan happy nya uda supping bukan apa aku suka supping awal coz ndak sasak..if lambat nanti sasak pastu yg cantik uda abis pastu size plak teda ndak ka sandi tu...uda beli baju tuk putri ku dan jugak untuk aku sekali...the only thing yg aku lum beli is my tudung yg ngam ngan baju.And jugak contact lens...mau jadik barbie doll bah kunuk raya ni.Neway kan aritu aku ada cakap aku mau beli camera bah uda ku beli..yeay..bargain plak..murah ja pastu banyak lagik free nya..dapat 2 beg ..satu memory card and rm20 angpow .Best ndak ??? best kan ..RM599 for gila..n i bought it at Karamunsing F ni dia my new gadget ..kaler pun pink.My fav color bah ..ngeh ngeh..Sony Cyber Shot..ada smile censor.

Hari Raya Give aways!!!!

Hi all well since this month is a festive season I got a feeling to give away some free gift ...all you Ladies have to do is this... THIS GIVEAWAY IS FREE TO PARTICIPATE..NO NEED TO BUY ANYTHING OPEN TO ALL!! BUT NOT MARY KAY BEAUTY CONSULTANTS AH..HEHEHE 1. First of all, u need to be my follower in my blog & facebook (ni wajib yer..if kat fb msg me saying that you are up for the give away) 2. Post your opinion on my blog and post it on your Fb wall saying that you are up for give away at my blog (put on link /share link at your wall) 3. You must write about this blog's giveaway at your own blog and include the pictures of my blog 4. Don't forget to write your name, email address and URL link of your blog post & your home address 5. Here comes the fun Part ;) make over your face do your own makeup and put your picture before and after send it to my email as simple as that rite!!! I WILL SELECT 2 LUCKY WINNERS AND A GIFT W...

Lust for a Camera

All this while aku ni menumpang kamera org ja...if ada kena upload ada la gambar if teda kena upload na waina ruun in gambal ..sian kan..huhu...tengah pikir2 mau beli small n compact but of coz the photo must be superb...jadik camera apa la tu ya..?hmmmm..ada yg bagus tapi tu la besar la plak..hitam lagik so not attractive but the outcome superb mau pink ka..purple di bawah ni cute2 kan..astaga mau beli camera pasal cute ja..camna oh... so far dlm hati mau beli yg purple tu...Canon PowerShot SX210 dia pun ok gak ni..hmmmm...what u say??

Sxx and The city 2

Been waiting for this movie for long.Tunggu punya tunggu cam teda gak tau di cinema so i guess memang kena censored banyak la ni.Bila jumpa di kedai dvd time tu lum clear lagik kena wait dlm 1-2 months for the movie dlm dvd to clear.mind me terpaksa la beli pirate ni bukan niat mau support tapi mmg susah la mau cari yg ori ada pun mesti rega kau kau kan..matai la if satu dvd ja rm49.90 SnC ni kali i can say its better than the first one but of coz the clothing and custome is superb..begagar tinguk durang pun dressing ,accesorries..shooesssss...OMG mau pingsan..and Carrie Bradshaw punya walkin closet astaga totally like in my dream hmmm bila la aku buli dpt gitu ya..insyallah kan one day mana la tau kana toto..astaga camna mau kana if beli toto pun tidak..aiyak..kekeke..ok neway as usual Carrie Bradshaw or aka preston always my kind of girl..the she dress oh my...Charlotte also i like her more chanel n classic kindda look..but for SNC i guess majority clothing that i like suprising...

Going Green???

A while ago if ada org cakap sama sa pasal go green i just smile and after that forget about it.But now im glad that i opened up my mind about going green.Sorry to say most of Malaysian does not aware how important is going green.Im amused by my MIL coz even though shes busy but she did the one thing that yang buat sa terkedu.Food left over she have the time to dig on the tanah n tanam tu discompose the left over..even small little things like this can change the earth environment in the future do you agree with me.My first step to go green is i bought bag yang buli di pakai time shopping for grocery so i bought dalam 2 n i have another extra 2 from Tupperware and Nando's should be enough to carry all those grocery kan. And one more thing im deligthed that our government make a small effort to each of the store such supermarket even multibake that every monday is a recycle day n no plastic bag allowed hey thats a good step .So slowly we change our life style to healthy and sa...

Suda beli baju raya??

Jangankan beli bayang2 baju raya pun lum lagik ada ni.huhu..theme kaler pun masi kabur2.begaya kan uda mau dekat ni baru la ni kunuk kelam kabut shopping.Tapi skang ni banyak baju juga uda baju kan yg uda siap murah pun murah cuma tu ja la ready ja ada pelanduk dua serupa.ngeh ngeh...p open house org tiba2 baju sama ngan tuan uma ndak ko parah gitu.adidi..minta jauh coz aku ni pun jenis tak suka antar jahit mmg jenis beli ja.Tapi tengah pikir2 mayb tahun ni insyallah aku pakai jubah la senang.Skang kan jubah cantik2 jugak so teda masalah pakai ni....

Ramadhan Datang lagik..

Alhamdulillah dipanjangkan umur untuk Ramadhan ..As usual i always post recipe for buka puasa since we all need idea what to cook or what to this is the first day of Ramadhan enjoy.... Ok for info this is not my own recipe yer..i just follow what are other blogs ..coz im not an expert in cooking...i might try or not ...hehe depends on the ingredients and mood of the day...hehe Bahan-Bahan: 1 ekor ayam - bersihkan dan potong kecil-kecil 6 cawan air 1 sudu teh garam 3 akar ketumbar - ditumbuk 2 batang serai - dititik dan dipotong 10 tangkai cili akar - belah 2, buang biji jika tidak mahu pedas 6 helai daun limau purut - dicarik-carik 2 camca besar pes cili 3 camca besar sos ikan 3 camca besar jus limau nipis 1 tangkai daun ketumbar - dicincang kasar 3 helai daun pudina - dihiris serong Cara Penyediaan : Masukkan ayam, air dan garam ke dalam periuk. Panaskan hingga mendidih. Biarkan mereneh sehingga ayam empuk. Masukkan semua bahan yang lain kecuali daun ketumbar dan daun p...

My First Digital scrapbooking

Digital Scrapbooking Photo Tinks by Scrapbooking Photo Tinks by Scrapbooking Ideas Photo Tinks by Photo Tinks by Scrapbooking Photo Tinks by

Ramadhan Just Around the corner

Yeayy...aik lum apa2 lagik kan uda siuk mau rasa raya...especially for me coz we sempat raya at my new home.Hope our ramadhan gonna be more pure.Insyallah.hmmm apa lagik mau tulis .blur plak lately.busy since teda maid ni..tuhan ja tau camna kelam kelibut nya hidup ini but i managed jugak even though there is up n down.bah until later wait till i have idea to write...tata..Salam Mubarak.!!

Multitasking and Time management

Jadik ibu ,isteri,anak dan jugak bekerja bukan la senang.Mesti semua ibu2 setuju.Ibu sepenuh masa jugak sangat2 busy begitu jugak ibu yg bekerja.For me both are the same teda istilah ala ko duk uma bagus la banyak masa...ala ko keja senang la anak antar ja p taska petang amik...padahal if di hitung kira sama ja pun.Yg keja balik uma bukannya boleh duk trus lipat kain,cuci kain,masak,atur budak sekolah .Bab aku pun penah rasa camna jadik ibu yg bekerja ni sama gak penatnya. Oleh itu ..hiazz cam karang plak oleh itu..haha..ok neway sebagai ibu ni kita kena pandai atur masa dan peluang yg ada.Cam aku time anak2 kat uma mak time la aku beraksi cam robot d uma..tunggang tebalik kemas uma ,cuci kain,lipat kain,amik order org,buat skincare class..penat mmg penat mana ada keja camtu ndak penat..wajib penat...tapi the outcome berbalui..cukup puas hati bukti nya tinguk di bawah ya..scrool down.... **************************************************************************************** lagi scrol...

Its very tough for kids..

Like always after finished cooking i sat down on my lappy n rania also doing her homework.Suddenly i heard rania mengeluh and i asked her why.And suddenly she cried macam frust sangat2 kesian tul. I asked her napa nangis 'rania p sekolah ramai budak cina tak mau kawan ngan rania coz i dont understand what are they talking about (dia sekolah chinese skul)..n she said bila teacher dia tanya apa benda tu dia tak paham the symbol.She cried and cried and i consul her.Sian dia kecik2 lagik uda frustrated ngan keadaan.Now make me wondering should i continued sending her to chinese school or not.Id already register her for primary school at chinese school.If this thing continue i cant help her if her homework in chinese.How am i suppose to help her? do you guys have any suggestion how?? But than i asked she wants to continue in chinese school and she said she wants to learn how to speak chinese..i really hope she can do it...if cant than i have to transfer her back to ordinary school. hmmm...

Beauty Consultant cum Housewife

Since pindah uma baru i dont have org gaji..well for certain people mayb biasa kan teda org gaji ni..for me dari kawin sampai la skang anak dua mmg ada org gaji ndak kira me keja or not.Uda manja la ni tu pasal la bila teda org gaji i tell you mmg sakit.First day pindah uma im down with flu,coughing and fever .Maybe coz to tired and lack of rest.With two small kids n during pindah ceremony tu hubby plak ngam2 outstation naaaa ndak ko pengsan.Sib baik la ada my parents n my bro if ndak buli masuk hospital actually sikit lagik la masuk spital sampai sakit plak tu kan. Now im adjusting my new routine and my new house.So far so good la i can manage.If i do have skincare class than i have to send the kids to mom house for a while and pick them up after abis .Thats why im enjoying being a Mary Kay beauty consultant coz im my own bos.I can do when i want it and when i need it. Being a stay at home and a full time beauty consultant is not easy. Kitchen is my office 247. I do cooking and surfin...

where to start.....

wow....sekali berblog tiba2 mengamuk kan..mesti kamu heran...been keeping this feeling for so long ..uda ndak tahan than i put it here on my private blog...a lot things been happened in my life..moving house,maidless,my career going well,family problem ..banyak lah kadang rasa cam mau give up but that is not me .i will keep on going strong for my family.Just now i came back from birthday party at Le meridien its donna's daughter elliya firdaus aman.the best bday party had a blast..sampai ndak mau balik as usual meeting a lot of familiar faces and of coz friendssss...actually while typing this im on my bed and my half open ..mengantuk uda and tired so mind me if my crita melumpat-lumpat ..jap crita itu n suddenly tukar p lain hahahha...bah bah sebelum aku tetidur di atas laptop ni aku chow dulu any update do find me at facebook ah..hehehe....tata

aku block ko dari facebook faggot!

aku block ko bukan sebab aku takut ...since aku tua dari ko apa aku mau takut sama ko??? tapi ko punya mulut makin hari makin sial...aku tidak penah kurang ajar sama mami ko..jadik ko jangan menyindir sana kurang ajar sama mami saya..ingat diri ko tu siapa...? ko ingat ko uda masuk U ko uda hebat ka..? ingat ko tu ada penah kena kasi makan oleh kami..aku kasi haram tu semua...aku jumpa ko di akhirat nanti...aku tau sapa ko ..n your hidden secret shut your mouth sebelum sa p dpn mata ko tampar ko sana...malu ko nanti...i didnt do anything bab aku hormat your mom...ko tanya mami ko ada penah saya sindir dia..ada pernah saya kurang ajar sama mami ko....ko mau mari ko dtg uma...ko tau alamat uma...kita tinguk sapa yg tua sana...saya darah daging ko ... !! saya belai cium ko masa ko kecik ..sekali besar gini kejadian ko...jangan ko ikut campur hal org tua ...!!! sapa ko mau judge org tua kita..!!! kurang ajar!! masa ko belum ada...belum lahir..ko ingat sapa yg selalu support your mom ...

7 years Bliss...

Wah eventhough its already june....actually last month is my 7th years anniversary..wah pejam celik uda 7 years.of course marriage life ni ada up n downside.And im bless to found him as my him so much ..muaxxxx....need to say more...;)

Moving to a New Home

Hi all....sorry for neglecting the blog for so long..sekali masuk ni blog punya banyak uda sarang labah2 ni hehehe.Neway i just came back from sandakan for Mary Kay event and it was a blast.Meeting my long lost childhood friend.sekali jumpa semua uda jadik wife and hot mommys.Ndak menyesal jugak la p sandakan kan.After balik sandakan now im busy plak moving house.packing2 cam mau pengsan ja pack n unpack the pc n internet will off soon and i will be OL from blog and facebook for a while.Hope to see guys again soon.Take care..muaxxxx...

Sandakan on the 21st!!!!

Super super excited...this is my first outstation JOb with Mary Kay....what a nerve racking...nervous,excited ...cant wait to meet all my friends there and also my prospect ....wooohooo...Mary Kay gonna held a Think PInk Event at Sandakan Hotel on the 21st Mei 2010...I hope its goin to be a blast will update soon ya ladies..ill c u in a a mean time wish me luck ..and take care all..luv u..muaxxxxssss....

Cuak aku...

Bukan apa ..aku cuak ngan kebusyan aku ni melampau tahap gaban uda ni.sampai semua org jumpa aku cakap aku uda kurus(ceh padahal kesukaan kena bilang kurus ni kekekek).Mana mau pindah,packing itu ini ,anak sekolah ,Mary Kay..outstation,skincare class buat ni list buat aku cam mau menangis.Lagi la aku mau menangis mengenangkan orang gaji ku yg ndak mengenang budi ni .Mau berenti ndak kira masa kurang ajar betul.Ei if ikut hati mau ja aku belasah .Tapi ndak buli kan ... Neway semalam aku baru b 1b ballroom support my fren sita diatas penganugerahan dia jadik Diamond Sales Manager ntah betul ka idak tu nama dia DSM.tapi sory ah teda gambal kekeke..lupa terlampau panat.Bah uda la for now ya .Nanti bila uda pindah uma aku buat house warming dlm ni blog...take care all..

Yeay Naik Pangkat..

Been very busy lately with my new career as Independent Beauty consultant.The good news is id already become a Team nya..kerja diluar separuh mati pun belum tentu boleh naik pangkat gini cepat...belum tentu kena recognition best ...i think i found something that i really love..balance out..i can rotate my busy schedule around my ka ndak tu..i can choose bila i want my skincare class to be held n earn the same time ada masa with my family and jalan2 shopping...isnt this our dream career...for most women yes kan...mmg best..meeting new wonderful friends yang cantik berkharisma semua tau ..but of course not easy as it look must also work hard bah..mana2 keja kena gak semangat and jangan putus asa.I've been attending event and meetings ..jan heran suri rumah pun ada meeting and event to attend kan...bah this are the picture... ps: sapa mau skincare class free do call me jan malu2 ah...malu2 rugi ..hehe GETTING MY FIRST RECOGNITION....

Im proud to be Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay

I want to announce here that i am a Mary Kay beauty consultant trained and well equipped with beauty knowledge.I'll be happy if you guys need a beauty consultant and as complementary i can give you free facial n makeup session with lots of products to be test...sound nice rite...give me a call and will let you know more...!!! Wont crash your bank to be beautiful... Cleanser 113ml Mask 113g Refreshener 150ml Moisturizer 85g Botanical Customized Skin Care (Formula 1 for dry skin) Hibuscus is added for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits and to alleviate "tight" feel and redness. Set ini amat sesuai utk kulit kering & sensitif. Ia memberi kelembapan & soothing effect pd kulit. Set ini mengandungi bunga raya utk kebaikan antioksidan & bhn anti inflammatori yg dpt mengurangkan rasa tegang & kemerahan pd kulit. Price for this product: Cleanser RM65 Mask RM75 Freshner RM65 Moisturizer RM80

FREE Skincare Class and Grooming...

Hi all would like to announce here...Im gonna held a free makeup class n grooming for all you ladies...I want to try out some new product to you and you also got a chance to feel and try simple as that...nothing to loose rite.Call me to make appointment and one more thing you can bring your friendsssss to ya... ;p My number : 0168340177 (Ratna)

Friends Are Forever

Semua orang dalam dunia mesti ada kawan kan..ndak kira la lelaki or perempuan..kecik ,muda and tua.If teda kawan cam teda guna la hidup tu,sorang2 dalam dunia ni.As for me i have lots of fren..ada kawan suka ,ada kawan duka ,ada kawan time glamer ja ada,ada kawan yg pendengki(tu kawan ka tu..oops i dont think so )... Neway here are some pictures me and my close friend..we are all from different background but still a mom and women who loves beauty...some of them ive been friend since i was kindergarden..cant you imagine that..tu la baru kawan namanya...hehe..we have to accept the way there are.Kena terima perangai masing2 .Ada yg blur ,ada yg outspoken ada yang funny n daring..semua lengkap ..but i like cos we all not prententious like some ppl..thats are frens...we cant talk to ppl if we dont feel comfortable..frens are the one who can even curse and talk to ..u can cry n laugh together....this are my closest frens so far...for left suriayati,me,kak sara,bey and zai..cute2 kan..hehe.....

Flea Market On the 3rd April at Jesselton Point

Mari...mari kita ramai kasi meriah tu jesselton point on the 3rd march.I will be selling kids cloth and some for the rest of the vendors jual macam2 ..with good jan lupa singgah my gerai n take snapshoot with me..ceh cam ja org glamour...kekekek....bah enjoy the cupcakes pic that i made for march order ahh..hehe